Nogat Show 6.01

I enjoyed this show. But I was not watching the improv so much as how the new team was playing with one another.
There were some improv issues to be sure. Some missed edits and a few moments in scenes that were rushed. Its a balance thing and it can take time and can be show to show.
But I liked watching the way everyone seemed comfortable together. Ed and Nick seemed to fit in and were accepted. I missed the dinner before the show. I'm glad that happened though and hope to make the next one. Its not the most important thing that a team gets along. But it helps. And its nice.
I'm busy with work. I'm preoccupied.... What I liked most about this Nogat show is that I came to just watch and Nogat made it easy to just watch. Even if a character had wild emotions, the actor was still in control and easy to follow. Good give and take makes dialogue and relationship easy to follow. Fun stage picture make it fun to follow. I especially liked a scene with a girl who was confident she was the prettiest girl in the office. The scene just glowed with bits of info about the girl. By the time callbacks were made, we knew enough about the girl to remember. It was not details we remembered. It was how we felt about her and the type of impression she left on everyone. It was more nuanced because the players allowed that early scene to breathe. They allowed the audience to follow. Maybe just me but still. Thank you Nogat.
On a side note: after rehearsal someone said, aren't you afraid you're gonna loose your money from under your hat like that. I wasn't but I did.