Improv Workshops Upstairs Gallery

Improv Workshoppe Series
in Andersonville
with  Jake Schneider
  1. 3 Workshops to help your Characters, Scenes, & Shows
  2. 4 Classes to give you time to practice and play with others.
Classes Starting February 4:
Saturdays 11am & 1pm
5219 N Clark
------------------------ for more info
The Improv Workshoppe Series is a rewarding way to sharpen your improv skills in a focussed classroom environment.  Whether you've just completed your favorite training center or you're looking for a place to begin your Chicago Improv Journey, the Upstair's Gallery Improv WorkShoppe Series will give you simple, fun, and practical opportunities to learn and practice performing improv.
Whether it's Long form or Short form, Improv in Chicago is some of the finest to watch and most fun to perform.  The North Side alone teems with bustling boutique Improv Houses such as The Upstairs Gallery.  A group of friends can do bar-prov one night and headline a local stage the next evening.  Almost anyone can find the reward of doing a Successful Chicago Improv Comedy Show.    
The Improv Shoppe is divided up into 3, four week Chapters or Phases of Classes.  Each Chapter focusses on one of three essential Improv elements:  Characters, Scenes, and Shows.  Students will have the opportunity to learn and actively practice useful and rewarding improv skills related to each element. Students who complete Chapter 3 will come together to perform in a Friday Night  Improv Show along side other Local Chicago Improvisers.
Chapter 1 - Yes And Characters
This Class focusses on Listening, Object Work, Physicality, Characters, and universal improv themes.  Improv has a common language of agreement that allows us to discover and embrace the improv experience together.  This class invites students to ground themselves in a reliable approach to improvising and discovering comedic characters through physicality and active listening.  
Saturdays 11am- 1pm
February 4, 11, 18, 25


Saturdays 1pm - 3pm
March 10, 17, 24, 31

Chapter 2 - Scene Prov
This Class focusses on Scenes and more Scenes.  Whether it's short form games or a two person show, the Improv Scene is the backbone of every Show.  A well played game leaves nothing but happiness in the room.  It can stand on it's own like a classic SNL, Sitcom, or Cinema homage.  The best can even satisfy an audience's appetite and inspire applause.  From beginning, middle, to end, a good scene's magic can seduce with mystery yet entertains with craft.  This class will help you reliably rediscover that magic.  Initiations, Tag Ins, Walk ons, & Callbacks are just some of the scenic elements we'll visit.        Students may take this class before or simultaneously with Chapter 1.

Saturdays 11am - 1pm
March 10, 17, 24, 31

Saturdays 1pm-3pm 
April 21, 28, May 5, 12

Chapter 3 - Show Prov
Shows and More Shows.  A Good Chicago Improv Show is Funny because it's Fun to do.   Using Lessons from Sections 1 & 2, this class will reward you with the confidence to perform a variety of Improv Forms and Shows with friends.  We'll learn how to host Short Form Games as well as some familiar Longform "Forms" similar to Harold, Living Room, La Ronde, & JTS Brown amongst others.  Students who complete this Section will get to perform in a Friday Night Show along side other local Chicago Improvisers.  (Prerequisite: Level 1 & 2 or Completion of *Local Improv Training Center.)
Saturdays 11am-1pm 
April 21, 28, May 5, 12

Improv Show
Friday 8pm - May 18
The Upstairs Gallery

email  for more info
