Wednesday Night Harold’s

Last Night I stopped by iO for Granddaughter and Wheelhouse.  I enjoyed a couple of confident teams with slightly different energies.  There was a fun runner about the cocky son of the founder of Gap, who is forced to work side by side with his soon to be mother in law, folding sweaters in a Gap.  After the show I attempted social times by talking topics with fellow improvisors.  Got to listen to people who play and do whatever else makes them happy whether it’s tending bar, teaching class, or making movies with their friends.  From the bar I was able to enjoy some of the first team improvising in the next show. There’s one TV showing Sportscenter.  There’s another showing the mainstage improv.  

When the improv was as physical as it was, it’s better than sports.  I don’t know what was happening, but I couldn’t stop watching.  At one point I think a lady was  in a chair and then another lady pulled her out of the chair and started driving.  The first lady pulled the second lady out of the chair and sat back down and went back to eating a sandwhich.  Some guy came in and they told him to get out! Then they went back to switching seats.  I think.  The team’s name was Hey Day.  I don’t know, I could have been seeing themes from Granddaughter & Wheelhouse.  I could have been two Lagunitas in.  I went in to watch the second team, King Ten. Big time talent making bold jubilant moves.  Delighted looks between the cast.  The Jam was cancelled.  I got some poutine and drove up to the ridge where you can see the city glow to the tune of someone’s dog ever so respectfully locked up and alone.

Audience . Granddaughter & Wheelhouse . Heyday & King Ten . iO West . 8: 30 Wednesday July 29 2015